The Four Seasons

Scroll through the page to see cast schedules, parking information, ticket information, and other FAQs you may need for everything related to the spring performance, The Four Seasons!

COSTUME FITTING DAY: Saturday, March 1st! Please refer to the casts below for your dancers arrival time.

Tickets on sale in April!


Click your specific cast schedule for more information
Ballet Theare of Phoenix-483

Creative Movement Wednesdays, Creative Movement Thursdays, Creative Movement Saturday 9am, Creative Movement Saturday 10:15am.

Ballet Theare of Phoenix-367

Primary 1, 2, and 3. Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 - 7.

Know Before You Go!

Sunny Slope offers an extensive parking lot for parents. There is no fee to park. Please note, dancers will need to be checked in at the stage door prior to the dress rehearsal and performances. Please, plan your time accordingly so dancers do not arrive late.

  1. Clean or new tights and ballet slippers.
  2. Water bottle.
  3. NUT free snack - no almond, peanut, or any type of nut/butters as we have dancers with allergies. 
  4. A mess free snack - no "orange" foods (like Cheetos or Doritos) or chocolate.
    1. Think apples, applesauce, pretzels, cheese sticks, graham crackers, oat granola bars, etc.
  5. A robe, wrap dress, or oversized button-up shirt to serve as a backstage cover-up.
  6. Extra pony tails, bobby pins, hairspray, hair brush, and hair gel for touch ups.
  7. Extra makeup for touch ups. Primary 1 - Primary 3 will put lipstick on once they are in  costume. 
  8. A screen free and quiet activity, including coloring books, games, and books. Please, NO markers.
  9. A blanket or yoga mat to sit on backstage while in the dressing room.